welcome to with words

how can we express ourselves
how can we write a poem
how can we tell a story
how can we learn
how can we understand
how can we talk to each other
and the answer to all of these is with words

With Words is not for profit and is set up for both literacy and literary purposes.

With Words offers a variety of workshops and events in an effective and relaxed atmosphere. Click for brief bio and news and Alan's blog Area 17. We also hold regular competitions for artistic and community purposes, and an annual fund-raising international haiku competition to raise money for literacy projects in the UK and abroad.

Hull Global Renga

The Hull Global Renga Logo
Design by Rory Walker, commissioned by Alan Summers for Hull Libraries.

Alan Summers as renga poet-in-residence for the City of Hull:

We would love to hear from:

  1. People who were born in Hull but now live elsewhere in Britain or the rest of the world
  2. People who have either worked in Hull or have spent a holiday there.

Hull is a glorious city, where despite its poverty levels, has possibly
the most friendliest people in Britain.

Part of the Hull Global Renga Project is to promote both the amazing work
carried out by Hull Libraries for its people, and to show that Hull is
city worth visiting in its own right.
There are few places left where you can spend a much needed holiday or
short break without being pestered as a tourist.

If you feel you can't write a renga verse of 2 or 3 short line duration,
please do send an anecdote or brief account of your time spent in Hull.

To send renga verses, anecdotes, or short accounts about Hull:

Alan's "important words" Fourth Plinth event:

Alan's "important words" Fourth Plinth event is now archived by the
British Library


If there is anything else you'd like to know about with words, why not get in contact: info@withwords.org.uk

Alan Summers
With Words

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